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Northport Yacht Club
NYC signalflag logo
Located in Northport Maine, on Penobscot Bay;   44'22.827 N   68'58.048 W

Bayside aerial pan by Jon Linn
                                                                 Welcome to the NYC website!    

  Bayside Weather Forecast                                           Get the latest (Fall 2024)Tell Tale here: Tell Tale 
Our mailing address is: Northport Yacht Club, PO Box 957,  Belfast, ME  04915.

Current John Race Results are available in Documents Tab, or by clicking here:  Race Results

Register now for the 2024 KIckoff Celebration to be held May 26, 6 PM at the Hoot restaurant.  Kickoff Registration

Sailing School lessons:  
Registration is now open.  Please start the process by filling out the sailing school interest survey here>> Interest Survey
If you have questions please contact Ben Webster - 

We have a new way for you to buy NYC logo wear:  Order your own through our new arrangement with Land's End. 
You can order almost anything Land's End sells in any style & size you choose, with the NYC logo applied,  and have it delivered direct to you. 
Explore the possibilities here:   Land's End NYC apparel
  You can also always find selected NYC swag at the Blair Real Estate office.  

 Contacts and questions: 
For membership questions:  New members please join online, on the join page.  or contact Karen Trasatti
Renewing members, click on the little down arrow next to your name at the top right of the page 
  or contact Karen Trasatti
 For Treasury issues:    Craig Brigham - To contribute a Tell Tale article: Jim Facey
For volunteering questions only:    Jen Lannan -
                                                                or go to our summer 2023 volunteer page at: NYC Sign Up Genius

Things to Note

+ Our Membership period begins on April 1, and runs through March 31 of each following year.
    If you haven't paid this year's dues, your membership will expire on or about July 4. 
+ Please check your contact information, especially if your email address has changed!
To update your information (your profile) click on the little down arrow next to your name above (you must be logged in first). 

+ The Tell Tale is always looking for content.  Want to submit something to be included in the next issue?
Send an email to:
Some of the things members can do on this website:  
 * Renew your membership
 * Download your personalized membership card (see the FAQ page)
 * Check the NYC calendar for upcoming events
 * Download the Tell Tale, race results and more
 * Check out pictures from past summers
 * Read old cruising logs, or articles on the club's history (see the documents tab) 
 * Participate in online forums to discuss both club and non-club issues and interests

Please note:  We have a help desk!  If you have any difficulties completing transactions on this website, very competent live support for anything regarding this website is available from Club Express by phone or email. You can call and receive live support from Club Express between 7:30 AM through and 6 PM Monday through Friday.  You will receive over the phone help from the Club Express support center in Chicago Illinois.   We have found them to be responsive, personable and very helpful.  Just call (866) 457-2582 or (847) 255-0210

You can receive help via email at  (and also at

Below: Thursday Evening activity at the clubhouse

Thurday Evening at the clubhouse
Weather Feed
Bayside Weather
Bayside Weather

Perry Creek at Sunset, Fox island Thorofare to the right.  Drone photo by Jon Linn, taken during the 2017 NYC cruise.Perry Creek