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Northport Yacht Club
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Located in Northport Maine, on Penobscot Bay;   44'22.827 N   68'58.048 W

News / Articles

The club attempts to come out of the dark ages!

Published on 1/15/2017

The yacht club is giving a trial run to some 21st century software that will enhance our communications ability, upgrade our online presence, modernize our membership renewal process ,and take out the trash as well.   The new software from club express streamlines and simplifies and automates some of work of our treasurer and secretary; which are the two most time consuming jobs on the board.   It will also allow us to diversify administration of our web content to multiple members. I won’t try to detail all of the things the software can do for us her, partly because I am still finding out.  As in everything today, there is a cost, about $62 per month based on our current membership. The board feels this is something we need to do to get control of our information and institute a more timely approach to membership renewal and at the same time enhance our communications capabilities.